Sunday, 14 August 2011


Iv been a member of a fantastic support group for special needs families since Dude was 2yrs old. Every year they've have a week where members can camp with the highlight being the Annual Family Day with a balloon release for all the children who have grown their angle wings.

This year we took part in the camp. We haven't previously been able to join in but I was determined to this year.

Not owning a car, I packed up a wheelie suitcase with our tent, tent accessories, foldy chair, air bed and bungee corded a folding crate, folding table, picnic rug, my pillow, a sign (so people could tell who I was since its online support group/charity) and our sleeping bag to the wheelie suitcase. I invested in a 80lt rucksack that had all our clothes etc in and the picnic bag (with our plates and food in) was hung off the back of Dudes wheelchair and Dude carried his Trabasack and toy bag.

Our journey was pretty good though our assistance hadn't been booked properly and the padlock on the last train for the ramp had been changed. The train guard didn't have the correct key so the driver and guard had to lift the boy in his chair off the train which I wasn't best impressed with.

We was met at the station by another member and driven to camp. When we arrived, most of the families were off on a day trip to Alton towers. With some help from a family that hadn't gone, we put up our tent and settled into our field in Wem.

We only stayed for 2 nights (and one wasn't spent in our tent as we were invited to stay in one with heating as it was cold) but we had a fantastic time. The Trustees and Volunteers did a fantastic job and I'm forever greatfull for what they do for us. Nowhere else in the UK will you find such a fantastic camp for special needs families. Nowhere else will you feel that you totaly 'belong'. Nowhere else will you be able to sit back and relax whilst your special needs child has a whale of a time with kids that are just like him and 'get' him and the other adults 'get' you and your situation.

Special kids is truly special to allot of people and we cant wait to camp again next year, but for longer. I WILL be driving by then!

I leave you with a little montage of Dude's time at camp.


  1. I haven't read your entire blog, but have you heard of a ketogenic diet? It can help for children who have seizures and there are also certain diets that are better for kids who have cerebral palsy. You may want to see if you can find a dietitian if you haven't already! I'm sorry if you've addressed this previously. I just randomly stumbled upon your blog while working and read a few entries. I hope this helps!

  2. thank you. yes i have heard of ketogenic diet. he hasnt officialy be disgnosed with siezures yet but his physio has recently seen an absence so we'r waiting on our referal to community pead (in transition from early years services) so we can see the nuero again. thanks
